Jeff you are now my sole trusted source for insightful election commentary. Thanks for watching the debate so I didn’t have to. Even greater thanks for saving me from having to read some po-faced summary from the NYT or CNM to get a sense of what happened. Especial thanks for the laughs - that was funny as hell

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Glad you liked it! For better or worse, "boiling down crap that people (rightly) don't want to deal with" is becoming one of the services I provide.

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I watched the debates with my dad and my son (yes, copious amounts of Irish whiskey were involved) and can confirm that this is summary is a perfect recap of what was said, and also the vibe.

I can only hope that Ramaswamy’s behavior was a cynical move to audition to be Trump’s running mate; otherwise the sucking-up is too embarrassing.

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Ramaswamy's performance was pitched perfectly at the Trumpsters who are certain that the entire Government of the USA is a confidence game in which they have been the marks. Tear it all down was his rallying cry and about 20 % of Americans but 50 % of Republicans believe him. His carnival barker performance was flawless. His giant smile hid the hollow soul of a man willing to sell you fatal snake oil as a cure for any and all grievances.

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A worthy followup to "Do you think it’s ethical to use your magic sword to channel the power of the Antichrist if that would ensure America’s military success?"

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Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023

I am not American and I say that with not a hint of derision. Similar to Jeff, I'd put the USA on the best countries worldwide list, certainly top ten and those top ten about 742 times better than the bottom 185. But, of course there's a but, I must say I find your political process both fascinating and vomit inducing. And the candidates, are they really the best you can do? I did he math and counted exactly 3, 873, 234 citizens who would be a better choice than the dweebs presented. Please, please for your sake and the rest of the world's, pick one of them. I have the list if that would help.

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Could you please leave the list in this comments section?

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Now that I think about it, it actually sounds like you think very highly of the candidates. There are 330,000,000 people in the United States so the fact that they're better than 98.8% of the population is pretty good ;)

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I stopped after I got through surnames starting with the letter B.

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My question is, was anyone other than Jeff and other reporters watching?

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Also none of them are 80

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That is to the good.

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This reminded me of w I avoid watching presidential debates. Thanks.

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I did research at a conservative party HQ back in the 90s, as a grad student who didn't ascribe at all to their dime-store we're-color-blind-not-racist racism & batshit ideas about sterilizing teens until they proved worthy of procreating. That was in Canada. For the same reasons I still pay attention to what is said and how more than why, but now that I'm in Europe for a bit, my context for understanding has changed. All of the GOP presidential primary candidates sound like a weird mix of anti-democratic nuts who are gathering for a hostile takeover of the EU while using the tools of democracy. Germany can't DEXIT so it's magaGOP variant, the AfD, is selling a 'cool conservative' anti-immigrant anti-establishment antisemitic message (even though they'd be pretend horrified in public at any suggestion of the latter).

So, all this to say, thank you for doing the dirty work. True to form, Ron did some nice antisemitic, racist dog tunes in the excerpts you chose. I doubt Ramaswamy will get far in this primary or be anyone's running mate, although I bet if he did, that would be the easier re-election scenario for Biden and Kamala.

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This is way off topic, but it's such a delightful depiction of wokeness (more delightful because it didn't pass due to a tie vote) I thought you might like it.


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As a longtime resident of Milwaukee, I was inspired by the realization that the Bucks’ (for whom Doug Burgum does NOT play) season starts in 2 months!

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