Lavelle was "soldering on"? No wonder they moved like lead.

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Sorry about the typo; I had fallen asleep.

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Hm. So not putting on a great show to bolster the equal-but-actually-way-better pay campaign. Not gonna use this one for the highlight reels.

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Also maybe we should just standardize Olympic uniforms. All men have to wear diving panties and all women have to wear beach volleyball cheeksters. No, that's sexist. Everyone wears cheeksters. It would really add something to the table tennis and shooting contests.

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These people are shredded; I say thongs all around!

(unless you're uncomfortable, but if I had one percent body fat I'd go for the thong)

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Why stop there? Same Olympic uniforms, summer and winter.

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Guys, we’re thinking too small. Ancient Greece. Everyone’s nude.

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I don't follow the women's game as closely as I should and didn't get to carefully watch this match, but I do recall Jill Ellis taking all kinds of stick while she was winning trophy after trophy. While I'm not a big believer that coaching makes the difference in the beautiful game** the current coach has to be under the kosh, as Arlo would say. The squad is lethargic and not well coordinated through 3 games.

But they did have a few chances today an couldn't take them, and that's perplexing.

**The exceptions to that are massive of course, but not every team can grab a Sir Alex. But I believe most great teams win with on field leadership and accountability enhanced by the coach, but not sourced from the coach.

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The early returns on Andonovski are not good; this team looks flat. The big question in my mind is whether there are players in NWSL who should have replaced (or at least pushed) the stalwarts. Only rotating one player in a two-year cycle is just weird.

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