I'm guessing that when most comedy writers hear about "Woke Kindergarten," they think, "That's it, I'm done. My art cannot compete with reality's insanity. I'm off to do something more rewarding, like waste manager for Newark Bay." Jeff, instead, has proved once again that he's not your average comedy writer. Well done, sir!

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I think you missed the opportunity to point out that John is oppressing Miguel by making him carry the bananas, which, as we all know, are radioactive. John is giving Miguel cancer.

(Seriously, you do, in fact, get a small but measurable radiation dose from a banana, or anything else high in potassium)

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I laughed hard at the "how many indigenous people will die?" line. Reminded me of all these "decolonize ornithology" columns where white supremacy is brought in every possible topic.

I feel a little bad to have voted for 'Validate my Opinion on Culture War Battle Du Jour' instead of 'Economic Analysis I'm Not Getting Elsewhere'. I hope you will keep making both types of posts.

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Yeah, I'm not sure it's a good idea to give The People what they say they want. Direct democracy is overrated.

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I’m glad I have readers who understand the dynamic. I’ll always write both types of articles. The poll is information that I will take under advisement, not a legally binding referendum.

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Beautiful stuff.

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Living proof that wokeness is indeed a right-wing psy-op.

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This is unfortunately not far enough removed from reality to be considered satire. I would suggest their YouTube channel. Since everything else has gone private.

I’m writing something about this. This is an absolute grift. This is Tammy Faye Bakker for the woke.

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That's the laugh i needed

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I'd say this is great parody except I'm not sure it is one.

IMO, kindergarten is too late to start indoctrinating kids. For this reason, I have released a set of Woke Nursery Rhymes for all good parents to read to their toddlers.


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That's cute, someone else is still actually trying (and failing of course) to parody the Woke Queens Of Everlasting Self-Parody.

The Bee barely counts since they lean so heavily on cheap dumb simplistic Christian jokes.

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