I saw his name and thought “That can’t be the same crazy guy that played for Iowa State, can it?”

Here’s a pretty wild interview Chuck Klosterman did with him in 2013:


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BREAKING: Nikki Haley to move to Minnesota and vote for Royce White. “Amy Klobuchar’s comb-use salad eating has been a disaster for the people of the North Star State” she said in a statement .

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You win the thread.

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JFC. This country is, tragically, swirling the freaking drain. “That might surprise you if you think that the biggest split in American politics is between left and right, even though the biggest split is actually between crazy and not-crazy. “ So absolutely true. A house almost evenly divided between the crazy and not-crazy cannot long endure - or something like that.

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Jeff - Thank you, as always, for a beautiful illustration of the magical world we live in. Also, I'm pretty sure that if you start selling the “Not today, ya gay bunch of Jews." T-Shirt and baseball caps, your kid's college education is paid for!

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Ten years ago I would have thought "this blogger wants to be The Onion and faked a bunch of tweets to parody Tea Party lunatics, but the fake tweets are so crass that it is not even funny". Today I just make a mental note that my brain has been exposed to a dose of 1 Taylor-Greene of stupidity and that I should keep further exposure low for the next few days.

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taylor greene is so stupid she wants us to stop sending billions to ukraine.

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Once the criteria becomes "does this candidate anger the people I despise?" all bets are off.

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I swear, I don't know how my state keeps producing right-wing wackadoodles when our usual speed is "as threatening as potluck potato salad".

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In a nearby race, the GOP recently nominated an actual fascist named Arthur Jones. He was the 2018 candidate for Illinois's 3rd district and the self-declared (possibly disputed?) former leader of the American Nazi Party. One of his campaign promises was to stand up against Trump, since Jones felt betrayed that Trump had allowed his daughter to marry a Jew.

People portrayed this as proof of some sort of looming fascist menace(Jones got 25% of the vote), but I think it's better evidence that our political class is lazy and the two-party system encourages them to just ignore many races. The local GOP didn't even bother to nominate anyone the two cycles before Jones. They haven't had the seat since 1975, despite brazenly corrupt behavior from the democrats in 2004. I can't find much information about any republican candidate for the 3rd in my lifetime. Jones simply saw an opening to run for the republican nomination unopposed, wrangled up a few signatures and got votes from partisans that saw the R next to his name.

The only people who put any effort into these races are the desperate or the deluded since they receive no support from the infrastructure that actual candidates require. (The Nazi got negative support since the GOP endorsed his opponent.) I liked the article, but gawking at White is like deep diving the training regimen of Eddie the Eagle to learn about ski-jumping. His entire campaign has a budget of about 10k. That's a lot, but it's comparable to the cost for him to take his entire family to the Star Wars hotel in Disneyland to pretend to be a Jedi. That's closed, so instead he's using it to road trip around Minnesota and pretend to be senate candidate.

These races could actually be competitive if the political class bothered. The 2020 republican candidate for Illinois's 3rd got 44% of the vote, partly because the party was so embarrassed about the 2018 Nazi debacle that they actually invested in the race. For a less extreme example, think about Beto O'Rourke running in Texas or the collapse of the Blue Wall in 2016. The Minnesota GOP decided that it'd be too hard to do their job (provide voters someone to vote for) so now the weirdos get to play around. It's very shameful behavior for a democracy.

For a left (very left) wing view of this issue, Current Affairs wrote an article back in 2017 about how Jon Ossoff was able to turn a race in deep-red Georgia's 6th into something competitive, getting 48% of the vote. The author credits this to Jon Ossoff actually having a campaign, while the previous Democratic candidates don't even have a picture online or any record of public appearances . A blog commentor mentioned the 12th district candidate once went to a fundraising breakfast. She described herself as a "physical conservative". That seems to be the extent of her campaigning in elections spanning a decade.


Anyways, point and laugh at the freak but afterwards consider how he's only there because our political leaders sometimes don't make the slightest effort to provide voters with a meaningful choice.

(In 2004, the Democratic incumbent resigned suddenly during the campaign, prompting the party to choose a replacement without a primary. They decided that the former candidates son was the best choice, despite him living out of state for a decade and never running for any other office before or since. The former incumbent then became a lobbyist that targeted the committee that his son (and replacement) happened to serve on. Fortunately they both promise that there's no improper influence. Maybe the GOP could have contested it if they had run someone)

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Isn't the Minnesota GOP the one having all the sex scandals?

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Not that I know of. Maybe you're thinking of Larry Craig in the Minneapolis airport?

Although maybe they are getting up to things like that. They're certainly not busy organizing senate campaigns or whatever their job is supposed to be.

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Oh, I was thinking of Anton Lazzaro, GOP donor who was charged with having sex with multiple teen girls. The GOP chairwoman resigned as a result.

I sort of remember a sex kerfuffle involving Minnesota college republican but haven't found it yet. Nap time is calling....

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Crazy but also handsome and BBC, it’s a hard choice

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Comment of the day!

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If you find yourself wondering just how the GOP has managed to procure such a steady stream of top-notch talent like Royce White (let's face it, no one gets that freakin' loony all by themselves; at least some training is required), I have it on good authority that the Rs have a secret agreement with a number of top pro wrestling schools like Create A Pro Wrestling and The Nightmare Academy whereby any students ultimately rejected for work as a professional "heel" in the wrestling ring will be sent on to the GOP for remedial training for work in the political ring.

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But more importantly, I don't see a flag pin on his lapel. He's not a patriot!

PS: Oh Jeff, you used LBGQT without the + sign. The far left is coming after you!

Because Democracy may be under threat but what's really important? LOL

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Jeff, there are numbers in the text

(like after "...criminal record 1."

What di they mean please?

If it's a foot note number, we'll,

I don't see a foot note anywhere.

I'm afraid I'm missing some comedy gold.....

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i love the way you said this. bet you don't get an answer.

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Those numbers are footnotes, correct. If you hover your curser over the number the footnote will appear. When you're done with the footnote just click anywhere outside of the footnote box and it will disappear. But, if you read any Substack articles in your email, the footnotes won't work. You have to click the headline of the article in your email, which will take you directly to the article site on the Substack web page, where the footnotes work. I hope I didn't make that convoluted. Cheers!

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Thanks Davis! Reading on my small phone and figured out they are at the bottom of the email after the other included articles.

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The "Ye--formerly known as Twitter" joke made me laugh way too hard.

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Given the presence of Marjorie Taylor Greene in congress, this dude absolutely has a real shot at becoming a US senator. We are truly doomed.

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ain't it awful the way marjorie taylor greene keeps trying to stop sending billions to ukraine? perfidious.

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This is from a Forbes magazine article from September of 2020-Some 56% of Republicans believe that QAnon, a far-right conspiracy theory, is mostly or partly true, according to a new Daily Kos/Civiqs poll released Wednesday, a remarkably high number considering many of the outlandish assertions espoused by QAnon supporters.

These numbers have almost certainly gotten worse. Fucking frightening!

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Why so racist?

(Just kidding! No fun, though, is it?)

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