So funny and, like most great humor, so unbelievably depressing at the same time.

These people are so echo-chambered that they actually BELIEVE that what they post is somehow "AWESOME." High fives all around for Climate Defiance! Fuck yeah!

In this way, they are just as deluded as a Trump cultist. And yet there they are in the goddam WH Press Corps!!! It's like AOC, who thinks her Twitter (X) feed is the Real America.

I spent decades as an attorney at enviro nonprofits, including a decade at one of the largest and respected worldwide. The LNG export move was a useless stunt, as was Keystone. Anyone with half a brain knows that because NG is a fungible commodity--suppress it at Point A and it is expressed more at Point B. That the "enviro movement" is reduced to such useless hand waving tells you everything you need to know about the utter lack of real progress on this problem.

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> Their "favorite saying" is "fuck around and find out".

An ill-advised claim from an organization that does so much fucking around and are fortunate they have not yet found out.

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I'm all in for more hippie punching, and I agree dem office holders should engage in far more of it.

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I don’t believe in political violence, but hot damn punching a few hippies would feel so good now and then...

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This. So much this.

But really, I mean, well, er, KJP as press secretary says basically everything you need to know about the comms strategy of this administration...

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So you’re this ranks with the 2013 Pajama Boy ad aimed at encouraging Obamacare enrollment?

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God what if it was the same person?

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It would be irresponsible not to speculate.

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*you’re saying

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The greenhouse gas effect is dodgy in itself and nearly useless to explain the complexity of a world climate system over centuries. A little skepticism might help you find this out before the whole climate change house of cards falls from the weight of its scientific dishonesty.

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I couldn't believe the tweet about being unhinged and tinder dates was real. I figured you made it up for comedy, it being way over the top. Thanks for providing the link for a simple and shocking fact check.

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Actually, if you are going to vote for Biden, you are a "total fucking moron", no matter how you treat the members of the cult in question.

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This is why long campaigns are good.

You make your idiotic mistakes early before regular voters notice, like this one and the brain dead Asa Huthinson tweet, then you learn from them and slowly build a very competent campaign.

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The good news is that the other party is acting in a very sane and rational manner, by declaring a 'holy war' on Taylor Swift.

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You know. I’ve always said if one party, doesn’t matter which one, would just act like boring adults, they would have a near clean sweep in elections. But we just keep seeing these weird cult of personality types that seem to just want to be mayor or governor just because.

But in this room full of lunatics we’ve built everyone thinks they need to out crazy the last guy just to make headlines.

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Truer words have not been spoken.

Thank. You!

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