There is no “evidence-based care” in the trans realm. Any ostensibly scientific field that is dominated by activists ceases to be scientific at all. It’s advocacy and lawyering masquerading as science. No one gets into researching trans issues because they are agnostic and want to discover the truth. They go in because they have an ideological agenda. So nothing that comes out of the field is evidence of anything.

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Oct 20, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022

Interestingly, in the prose world, there are CREEPY amounts of women who ARE into gay romantic comedies, and especially gay romances! As well as women who are into canonically straight male fiction characters having intercourse with each other. Fan fiction is a very weird place, as is the modern romance market. But I think that, while the phenomenon has the numbers for books, or even maybe for a limited streaming series, it’s probably not enough to justify a mainstream gay romcom at this level, and in that market.

Another point worth making: the marketing SUCKED for “Bros.” My husband and I (identikit disclosure: I am a gay guy) were talking about it the other day, how we were pretty much repelled by it. And the title, while I get where they were going with that, just planted the thought “so he’s fucking his brother?” in my head. Only a straight lady fanfic reader would want to see THAT. ;)

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The problem is. We are dangerously close to "figuring out the brain." A combination of genetic engineering and understanding of the cocktail of human life is going to end up asking a lot of weird questions. and I think in 100 years we are going to look back exceptionally embarrassed by what we "THINK" is going on with these people. And all people.

Let's say genetic engineering gets to a point where we can PINPOINT the genetic cocktail that CAUSES gender dysphoria? Then what? What if we do dig down into the genetics of it? What if we could "KNOW" those are interesting questions.

And not questions people will like.

I know very little about DEAF culture. But I do know that in certain circles people in the DEAF community who undergo surgery to gain the ability to hear can be ostracized by that community.

One reason. Groups like size. This is why twitter is so powerful it lets you pad out your group.

But what happens when we get to a point where we can literally. for lack of a better term, FIX the issue that connects said group? Well that group is gonna be mad!

The next 50 years should be fun! :)

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I don't know a single person who holds the position that "sex doesn't matter." I'm pretty far left, especially for Idaho. I don't hold that position (yet I still agree with the points made by Jon Stewart), and I don't think that Stewart holds that position. You claim that he holds it, even though you admit that he never actually said that. I'm currently reading "Evolution's Rainbow" and Joan Roughgarden doesn't believe that ... a trans woman scientist.

The argument you presented at the end of your podcast as the position that people on the left should take is almost exactly what I experience almost every lefty possessing.

I think you missed the mark on this one, big time.

We're living in a world where the right is denying that trans people even exist as actual things, and are working hard to make them suffer ... and you go after a strawman misreprentation like "sex doesn't matter?"

Here's the thing ... the extremism is on the right. Their measures will cause people to die. And yes, in response to that, sometimes those on the left will adopt a position that is somewhat more left than warranted by science. So the fuck what? We're trying to counter the actual problem in society. Maybe pushing a little bit harder than is warranted by science is actually warranted by the necessity of preventing harm. When society solves this problem, we will arrive at a position that is 95% of what Jon Stewart proposes.

You might be right that the science is being misrepresented by the left. I won't disagree there. I will argue that the left's playing of the science is much less serious and much less harmful than that done by the right.

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this is a very, very alarmist take. im from the UK but like when you say on the right people are denying existence of trans people and making them suffer it makes you sound bonkers. like England, Finland, Sweden, all stopped using puberty blockers for now because they find it an experimental treatment (I'm sure they'll come to a compromise on it), as well as the recent barring of trans athletes based on the evidence they have an advantage on both a normal and elite level. However despite those things being fact-checked by the authorities I still see people online claiming that it's a false decision and part of a "genocide", and not to invoke an alarmist reaction but the recent violence and protest that's happened because of this belief is ridiculous. I saw the youtuber Vaush claim that we should buy guns to kill politicians to protect trans people, where was that energy for the past 60 years for African Americans! You could say it's all online, but so was Q, and I feel your argument is part of this elevation reaction: I have a trans brother, or at least one who plans to become trans, who has been told that puberty blockers+cross-sex hormones do have negative effects for transmen like him. For example a lot of transmen cant handle the changes that happen to the body, being too extreme for them. Some even redevelop dysphoria and have to transition again back to a woman. So there's a reason why they're being denied to minors beyond that the right wants to make people suffer like a really shitty Bond villain. I still dont believe theyre doing it out of the good of their heart, the fact they think ALL MINORS should NEVER get puberty blockers is ridiculous, they were made to prevent gender dysphoria from happening to minors who get puberty too early if im right, but at least from the perspective of a UK person I feel like your activism culture is offputting to me. I get I dont really understand your right wing, it's probably worse than ours which happily passed gay marriage more than a decade ago, but the genocide argument to me is completely unwarranted when these procedures aren't cold hard science yet so denying them isnt an act of mere cruelty and I dont think the way it's done in America with no central beaucracy it ever could be for a long time, and the fact that the violence enacted on towards trans people is very rarely by someone who read too much harry potter and watched too much father ted. it's usually a crime of poverty, to which solving poverty, specifically trans poverty, would solve the violence inflicted upon trans people. for the most part, youll still get a bigoted redneck

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I'm bonkers? People in America are denying health care to SUICIDAL teens. Seriously ... you're the one that's out to lunch here.

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I know thats meant to be an epic redditor gotcha but im pretty sure medical officials will deny you access to cross sex hormones if you exhibit signs of other mental conditions like depression or suicidal thoughts unless they can verify that it is because of dysphoria. You literally called me crazy because doctors are doing a thing theyve always done? Like im very, very sure that these review processes for dysphoric teens are in fact very conservative, and reject more people than youd expect. Yes, I agree, rightoids banning all of it is bad and dangerous but you clearly understand barely anything (I dont either, to be fair, but it’s a common thing I encounter with online commenters that they will not use the solid arguments their own side is making to back up their own views against the other, instead theyll make up an argument to the opposing view that is a nonsequiter)

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OF COURSE they verify dysphoria first. What are you babbling about?

And for fuck's sake, learn to use paragraphs. I don't read bricks of text.

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That “of course!” isnt exactly reassuring when here in the UK we had an entire controversy over a clinic recommending transitioning towards kids who were depressed but ended up not having gender dysphoria. For example Keira Bell, I know the right uses these stories but im saying this as an example that what you say is clearly not true. “Of course we do that, you idiot! …whoops.” Like I said one example shouldnt end the whole process but youre spouting the cultish bullshit again. I know the US is worse, ive seen the Oklahoma Bill which wants to bar puberty blockers til 25 both due to the infantalization of grown adults these politicians have done and also pure greed to want to take advantage of when trans people wont be able to use their parents insurance and will have to pay for it themselves. However, you are saying shit that’s blatantly incorrect. You are the living example of his point. And i refuse to use paragraph breaks lol

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