>After her victory, she trumpeted her novelty, saying: “For the first time in 200 years of the republic, I will become the first female president of Mexico.” She was right: She has never been elected the first female president of Mexico before (though it’s hard to fault voters 200 years ago for not electing her)
This is the fault of the translator. Her original speech was grammatically correct in Spanish.
"El día de hoy también —y digo presidente porque es el mejor presidente que ha tenido nuestro país—, el día de hoy, además, el segundo piso significa, como lo mencioné en el Congreso, un paso más. Por primera vez, no en 200 años, por lo menos en 503 años, no había habido una mujer presidenta de México. Y como siempre decimos, no llego sola, llegamos todas las mujeres de México."
Besides for the grammar, I think it conveys something a little different than the paraphrase of a translation you're snarking at.
This was worth it just for the "tantric election" joke.
Aleutian Islands Barber College has always had a razor-sharp passing game.
I’ll show myself out.
Don't sleep on A.I.B.C.!
That is an image of Hanuman, who is Ram’s right-hand monkey-man. Ram is blue, holding the bow.
Clueless american (I'm assuming) strikes again
>After her victory, she trumpeted her novelty, saying: “For the first time in 200 years of the republic, I will become the first female president of Mexico.” She was right: She has never been elected the first female president of Mexico before (though it’s hard to fault voters 200 years ago for not electing her)
This is the fault of the translator. Her original speech was grammatically correct in Spanish.
"El día de hoy también —y digo presidente porque es el mejor presidente que ha tenido nuestro país—, el día de hoy, además, el segundo piso significa, como lo mencioné en el Congreso, un paso más. Por primera vez, no en 200 años, por lo menos en 503 años, no había habido una mujer presidenta de México. Y como siempre decimos, no llego sola, llegamos todas las mujeres de México."
Besides for the grammar, I think it conveys something a little different than the paraphrase of a translation you're snarking at.
Really good captions in this one. It’s the little things.