I was hoping you’d include that Kara Swisher photo. I hate it almost as much as her heavy-handed, moralizing, always-right screeds (that she’s almost always wrong on). If there was a poster child for the DNC x Media collab becoming the secular replacement of fundamentalist Christianity for Manhattanites in $600 jeans - the type where you can predict everything they’ll ever say because it’s part of the New BoBo Gospel, it’s Swisher. (Her in sunglasses is funny too)

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Boot's fedora looks like it was photoshopped onto his head

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Your Thumbs Up is going to be co-opted by the neo-Nazis, Antifa, or ISIS-K and you'll have to use another selfie. How about wearing a beret and gazing pensively at a croissant?

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As I slowly scrolled down from number 5 I eagerly anticipated posting a comment about Kara Swisher's photo. And finally at number 1, there it was in your place of honor!

In the digital version of the newspaper it is smaller than your copy, with less detail, and I always think, why doesn't that woman stop fiddling with her glasses and get them adjusted.

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To be fair, someone named Zeynep Tufekci is probably gonna be pretty good at spelling.

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Me, clicking on the article: “well obviously Zeynep will be #1, so who will be 2-5?”

*Sees Swisher*

*Drops coffee mug*

(Also you can add to Fedora approval list if you’re Justin Timberlake and it’s 2006)

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This is baffling/hilarious.

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YES Jamiroquai hats!

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This was marvelous. I almost woke my husband with my early morning chortling.

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