Your paragraph about a non-existent hypothetical Times reader with the reader’s “what’s this?!” was hilarious. Best laugh this morning. Thank you!

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I assume you heard it the way I did -- in William Dozier's voice from the old Batman series.

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The left is "working the refs" The right is laughing at Angel Hernandez calling wild pitches strikes.

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I agree, but I think the point is more that the NYT and its headlines drive other coverage and set the tone.

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Yeah, I agree, though I would argue that's more about the coverage, generally, than the wording of the headlines.

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Heroin has calories? Oh shit!

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That's why I only do Heroin Zero. I'm a bit of a health nut.

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I stay away from Diet Heroin.

The fake chemical sweetners are dangerous.....

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Speaking of nitpicking:

1. The same guy who wrote the sentence, "It also beggars belief to imagine that there might still be people who need to be informed that Trump is bad" also approved The Onion's headline about more Americans getting their news from Bev.

2. It's "social cachet," not "social cache," unless you've got a hidden pile of socials stashed away somewhere.

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