It took me several minutes to stop laughing. That’s a fact, Jack!

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It was the Arwing joke that did it for me - hilarious

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Unlike most everything else you write, this was not actually funny and I'm just puzzled with where you were even going with this bit, honestly.

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A post on a similar topic (https://imightbewrong.substack.com/p/the-two-big-deceptions-in-the-student) is one of the reasons I liked this blog in the first place. It really put into words why some of the free college arguments rubbed me the wrong way and addressed them concisely with some wry humor. This post doesn't say anything about what student loan forgiveness. Fictional dialogues can make an argument, but not when they're with a caricature that would have seemed dated a decade ago. At least mock a pro-forgiveness study rather than a cow pic.

But what do I know. Seems like some people find it hilarious. And this convinces them that "you're dumb like a fictional janitor/intern" is a better argument against loan forgiveness than the more substantial arguments this blog has made earlier.

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"If I Might Be Wrong's film critic vomited something up, why didn't they publish it this time? Also, he had made like six patterns on that Lite Brite!"

—Joel Cohen

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This is the funniest thing I have read on Substack to date. So glad I found this newsletter!

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Zeph is white, male, and quite likely South African... what right does he have to express an opinion on anything?

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Come on Zeph! "Science" links going to the Science wikipedia page? Hyperlinks that sound important but actually show animals with their head in a hole? The good people writing at imightbewrong would never have used such deceit in their own columns!

On the other hand, I have learned Mr Maurer is attraced to pigs and therefore has a marginalised sexual orientation. That makes me trust this blog 250% more!

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This is phenomenal.

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Zephyr's post convinced me to transition to a paid membership. Keep them coming, Jeff.

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Maybe not hilarious but you know it was a little different and extracted a some laughs from my withered soul. I liked the cow pic joke, and a lot of articles link to to the equivalent to pictures of cows stuck in trees (also I learned this is a thing). The best part is it's cheaper that a cup of nothing.

There could be some interesting discourse about not laughing at a comedians bit online. They can't hear any of the laughs or boos. I guess they have to use comments and likes to regulate/restructure/abandon bits. That seems like a different feedback cycle from bits you have to pitch, or perform to a live audience, all in an environment where all the laughs or boos live forever.

I came for the comedy. I stayed for the surprising amount of info wrapped inside.

Also this is article is obviously just preparing us for the inevitable "Jeff Mauurer fucks an entire sty of pigs" video that's about to drop.

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Satire is a wonderful thing........

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This ‘graduate’ should be refunded their tuition.

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You’re killing me, Smalls.

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It took me several minutes to stop laughing. That’s a fact, Jack!

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