I know this isn’t your main point, but just coming in here to agree that Charles Dance was just outrageously good in GoT

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I recall a line from a mid-Fifties Red Skelton TV show with Mamie Van Doren, a Jayne Mansfield doppelgänger, reaching into Red's front pocket for something and saying, “I feel silly.” Red replies, “Reach a little lower, and you’ll feel nuts.”

I write this because sometimes great words of wisdom come from TV shows. Your column today reflected this fact.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4

It's true that not just any clown can do the job of president with competence, or even with what passes for well-intentioned incompetence for that matter. But we have solid and abundant proof that pretty much any clown can indeed *get* the job, proving again what's been true since we climbed down out of the trees to run campaigns for office: the cream definitely does not rise to the top of the milk bottle in the world of politics, particularly in the country that birthed the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus.

Jon Stewart for prez? Why the hell not. Probably wouldn't be any worse than some of the more recent clowns that held the office. And there's at least a chance he'd be more entertaining than them if he could just recapture his previous Daily Show form from days gone by.

Of course, I'm just clowning around here. Or am I? Happy 4th of July.

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