As someone also with an MA, I totally and absolutely agree 100% with those two paragraphs about that.

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I want no part of an ideology where a social studies teacher is fine not knowing the country’s founding date but a substitute who makes an awesome Thanksgiving-based joke would be punished (I was in 10th grade; woman sub; punchline: “when the turkey comes to take a pea you kick him in the ash hole.” Second best sub I ever had, the first best being the guy who had the line “Fred? Gum.” in Apollo 13 and caught Bill Paxton’s gum in his bare hand).

One small sensitivity note: no teacher would be allowed to taunt a child with peanut butter anymore, not even a white child. Schools are unequivocally peanut-free zones, which is either a bipartisan victory or a far-left one I really am not totally sure. It’s like the issue where some anti vaxxers are hippies and some are right wing crazies. This is one of those surprising areas of overlap.

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