That Rep. Bowman, a former middle school principal, pulled a false alarm gives new meaning to the old cliché “I’ve learned a lot from my students.”

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The cringiest thing. Ever. In all of politics. Is when someone tries to make it “cool and hip and appeal to the kids, man!” Like a 50 year old playing Fortnite.

I can’t believe he went with the “I got confused by the fire alarm” excuse. That is so lame. Man worked at a middle school. Has he not heard that weaponized stupidity from his students before? The whole “you can’t be mad at me because I might actually be that dumb” only works if you have an intellectual deficit or are 12. He would have been better off just saying “yes I did it to delay the vote cus fuck em”. At least that fits his whole cartoon character persona.

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Jun 25Liked by Jeff Maurer

Great piece.

(You have an extra “of” after the word “defund”, btw.)

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Thanks — fixed! The typos are how you know I’m not some slick corporate operation.

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Playing 3 level chess I see.....

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The Democratic party is the face of modern antisemitism. A woman got beat up in broad daylight in Los Angeles for the crime of being Jewish. There are some idiot right-wing politicians, but they're FAR less dangerous to America than the Left. I live in the wokester paradise called "The Bay Area" (Daly City till I die) and I'm blown away over the number of people who agree that the Dems have become repulsive and are voting against this kind of idiot.

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This is because if the far right does it the public is sufficiently outraged. And no serious person comes to their defense. If the left does it they circle the wagons and obfuscate and wring their hands.

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Do the Proud Boys represent you? Does the KKK represent you? Of course not. Similarly the far left extremist progressives do not represent me or anyone I know as a liberal and a Democrat. Most of us are unwoke centrist old school liberals. We probably agree on most things except for who should be president. You can caricature all Democrats as pronoun obsessed trans athlete groomers… but that's only a very small loud minority. We don't like the squad either… we support Israel… we love our families and our country. We know immigration needs to be solved. I bet the only thing we don't like about each other is who we want as president. We can talk about everything else, have a beer, eat barbecue and have fun. In the old days it was impolite to talk religion and politics with your friends. We need to go back to that.

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It’s somewhat tragic that Bernie threw in his lot with the Squad. I consider myself what at one point he really appeared to be, namely, a distinctly unwoke and ornery social democrat. Among the several reasons why I detest identity politics is the fact that it subverts and detracts from the much-needed fight against plutocracy.

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I'm opposed to both right-wing and left-wing crazy. Open up those primaries and lets get the kooks out of office.

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Poppin' the cork on that champagne, then? Out here in the North Star State, Don Samuels must be feeling pretty good about his odds against Ilhan Omar.

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Fair points but I wonder to what extent Bowman’s defeat is a reflection of his particular district rather than indicative of a larger national trend.

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Well done. In the future hopefully we can just be more discerning as voters and realize that Bowman is just stupid.

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Glad to see Bowman was turfed out, the 9/11 truther poems should have been a career killer

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