Well, in my book $4 for eggs is LiTeRaLlY fAcIsM!!!

I was expecting to see the usual footnote that this was a bit, but since that is not there WE CAN CONFIRM THIS WAS THE REAL VP!

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It would be very funny if I got sued the one time I forgot the disclaimer.

FWIW, this also officially went out under my own name because people have told me that it's confusing when I use a pen name and they get an e-mail from some rando whom they don't recognize. And in this context, I thought people would think "Oh great -- some fundraising spam thing."

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Wasn’t Ben stripped of his “uncle” status? This is the kind of thing that derails campaigns…

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He was, and his image was removed from all his products, just like Aunt Jemima, because obviously if we show an image of black people on a food product it must mean they’re slaves and we simply can’t have that.

And don’t even get me started on what happened to the Indians from Land O Lakes and Leinenkugel’s beer…

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The fact that the white people in charge of these things solved the problem of problematic Indian imagery by *literally removing the Indians from the land* will never not be funny to me.

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HARRIS: Watch give a wide-ranging speech on economic policy with one problematic proposal.

TRUMP: Watch me play with Tic Tac containers.


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Best line: "When I balked at the price, the girl behind the counter (who should make more, by the way) ..."

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Who cares about poor people feeding their children?

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This is hilarious.

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Of course, the American people can forego eggs or for that matter even skip bread and butter or their bacon if they have given peace, peace on mother earth - without wars, mass killings, mass child killings, and sending the Secretary of State for so-called peace talks with lethal armament shipments to hoodwink American people. That's what Biden has done with Harris over the last four years - absolute cheating, defrauding and billions and billions of taxpayers' money, when they are struggling in the soup queues, without proper shelter over their heads and heavy cost of living (all these unnecessary war-spreading in the four corners of the world eventually cost of production goes up, and ending in their hip pockets). Sense and sensibility should have reined in the last four years and not the end of the term. The world at large was on its edge - the way Biden and co. handle world affairs and light war-fires for his believes some sort of known unknown reason.

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Sir, this is a Wendy's.

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This wins the internet today.

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Harris is such an economic genius, I'm sure she's aware the best way to deal with rising prices is to increase the minimum wage ($15/hour is chicken change) so people can afford those eggs.

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Woody Allen predicted this moment nearly 50 years ago with the closing line in "Annie Hall".

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Wait. Today's Monday. Isn't this supposed to be a podcast for subscribers?

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The podcast goes up tomorrow! The change of schedule is because I'm having Josh Barro on to talk about Kamala's economic plan, but he could only tape today, so that will go up tomorrow and the normal Tuesday column has been scooted to today.

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I know. Us freeloaders ripped you off!

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You should spend more time reading your own columns. If The Shadowy Cabal isnt so bad, and if they are who we can give credit to for having arranged the current DNC mess, then this price gouging nonsense (and all the other recent proposals) have to be their next move. Unless The Shadowy Cabal stopped their efforts the moment she became the nominee. Either the Cabal is responsible for Kamala Harris or they arent, and if they are, then this is the best they can do? Or best they have chosen to do?

Its much more likely she is just a California Democrat and this is the kind of stuff she really thinks.

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The Shadowy Cabal convinced Biden to drop out, some in the cabal would have preferred someone other than Harris (or at least would have preferred considering candidates other than Harris), but Harris is the nominee and she has an economic plan that mixes good stuff with silly stuff. Not sure where the alleged inconsistencies are.

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Let me try this.

1. Brink. As a small government conservative (so small Jack Kemp would smile at me from heaven, probably Laffer and Reagan as well) and that means I tend to look at Shadowy Cabals as bureaucracies taken to their logical conclusion. SMERSH and SPECTRE are for movies, in reality Cabals are just like any other board of directors. I am just about willing to agree with you that there was some serious power gathered behind the scenes and it was used to finally convince Biden to drop out. I mean only just. They sure are turning on Hunter hard so I would really wonder what it is the bribed/induced/threatened him with, because Biden doesnt seem to get anything out of this deal. Right now the general mood can best be described as tense and every single shift in the news can be magnified by everyone believing in their heads that the Great Event (whatever version of that they have in their minds) is about to begin.

2. Link. If this Cabal exists, as your column describes it, the problem between your two columns I see is that they wouldn't have formed just for this one moment, and they wouldn't disband after Biden Quit. They would presumably have been exerting influence or otherwise directing Biden admin activities for the last three and half years, and they would still be in ooperation now. Even if some of them disagreed with their "Indy eyeballing a bag of sand to swap out for the idol" plan that they went forward with, go forward with it they are, and one would presume, they would never have installed Kamala and then stopped giving her instructions or commands.

2. So then I look at the Cabals run over the entirety of the last four years and come to a different story. Things have been going downhill for Democrats ever since. The only thing that has saved them is that Trump still exists. He is their best shot at keeping the White House. I will never think the Assassin was acting on Cabal orders, since Trump being the candidate is the only real chance the DNC has. The whole Biden trip was pretty rough and right from the beginning. I am not just talking about the economic and foreign blunders. That's just late imperial bureaucratic incompetence at work. If we define Scandals as bad things done with deliberate intent, then I dont know how many Biden has really committed. His White House just sucks at running an empire. And why not? It isn't a scandal to suck at your job. I don't like to throw the word scandal around all that often, and I don't think any of them exactly apply to Biden as President. Most of what is scandalous to the Very Online Right is stuff from his time as Senator and his time as citizen during the Trump years. I am talking him strictly as the chosen Avatar of the Cabal. If the Cabal existed to push him out they must have existed the entire time at a strength necessary to control or at least heavily sway him. The best thing you could hope to say is that the Cabal worked with him to do what Cabal Democrats generally wanted to do anyways.

3. Impacts. I think the Cabal has generallly sucked at their job. Getting Biden to drop out? Maybe they pulled it off but it must have been them finally reacting to pain stimulus. Pain of an enormous threshold to be sure. You can throw salt on Kamala and her plan to end the price gouging on a packet of fajita seasoning, but if it was a Cabal that foisted her there then it is also that same group that is the cause and author of this price fixing nonsense. I don't think you can separate the two ideas. IF there was a Shadowy Cabal that ousted Biden, then they should also be held accountable for getting him there and the chaos that has come afterwards. With great power comes great whatever and all that. You cant reconcile the two. A Cabal powerful enough to depose a president is powerful enough to take the blame for rampant inflation and batshit econimic and social policy fucking up otherwise attractive and common sense ideas.

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Not sure what you're going on about. This piece seems pretty consistent with Mauer's usual stuff.

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