Great article. One of the best you’ve written. Glad to have you on team Free Speech.

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I don’t know what it says that the best and most insightful source of political commentary that I currently read is (at least in theory) a comedy site… but it says something. Well done.

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Between Gaza-Gate and the Bud Light fiasco, I think we will look back at 2023 as the year performative wokeness jumped the shark.

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Honestly, unilateral disarmament against these tactics doesn't seem very effective, I've cautiously come over to the mutually assured destruction position that requires a bunch of leftist to get cancelled so they're all afraid of it happening to them.

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I’ve been stressed all week because no one seemed to share my views on this situation. And now I’ve found someone that does.

This is totally an Always Sunny play.

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The most amazing thing here is how they HAD to be ignoring their prep. The first rule of being on a witness panel is, if you're first, listen to the question and answer carefully. If you are second, read the room and pivot. Gay was a disaster and the other two followed lockstep, even though it was obvious what was happening. Also, if you are answering a question about genocide, don't smirk like a contemptuous asshole. They so clearly thought they were winning at the time.

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Silly nit pick - should "sewed the seeds" be "Sowed the seeds" or is this a clever reference I am not getting?

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"Sow" is the correct usage, I agree (cf. this Biblical parable: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parable_of_the_Sower).

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Fantastic. This really ought to be the sort of thing that goes viral.

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Definitely worth my $5 today.

Thank you for this fine article. I am glad that there is at least one left leaning person who can admit that universities have been strangling free speech on campus from conservatives. Most seem to pretend it isn't happening. It definitely appears that the horseshoe ends are coming together where both sides now want to restrict the speech of the other.

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There's also the "well, nevertheless..." phase of the story, where they just do oppo-research on the target and throw everything they can find at the target which ordinarily might be forgivable, but not now that this is a Bad Person.

Maybe the Covington Catholic story isn't what we thought it was, but students were wearing blackface at their basketball games! (several years ago, at a "black-out event" for the team wearing the same color, but still...)

Maybe Christine Blasey Ford's story about Kavanaugh doesn't have as much evidence as we might like to see, but check out these scary phrases in his high school yearbook!

And now, we're digging into plagiarism charges against Claudine Gay...

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I legitimately appreciate your perspective and insight on the topics of the day, but the real thing that keeps me coming back is LOL moments like this one: "If a bear mauls you at I-HOP, then that’s cheating and the bears know it." Great stuff.

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https://open.substack.com/pub/anatomyofajoke/p/book-banning-they-learned-it-from?r=fjnsf&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post one of my first posts got to the same issue.

For a little while we had republicans in a box. “Get out of here with those speech codes! Prudes!” But then when democrats started saying “maybe some censorship is okay” all it did was awaken the sleeping Cthulhu beast-long dormant- of republicans. When you put censorship on the table as an option you’ve already lost. Once you strategically do that it’s the most “pious” who will always win. And in a race for piety republicans have the high ground.

This is what I was screaming at my democratic friends for years. “This will bite you. And it will bite you hard”.

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Don’t ruin Sbarro pizza for me by associating it with that Robert Mugabe look a like campus woke harpy!

Great job on hashing out this silly mess.

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Great article and a surprisingly even-handed analysis.

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I so much enjoy your work Jeff. Please don't stop.

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The best take on this I’ve seen on this all week - I’ve seen various elements of the argument made piecemeal but this really nails the essence of the problem in a coherent and funny way

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