I meant it when I said that I would vote for a potted plant over Donald Trump. I thought I could leave “please Democrats, don’t make me do that” unstated.

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Sadly, the Democrats also lost 100 years ago. I do appreciate the sad honest truth from you (but with jokes?). Don't quite get the Warren hate but I don't get soccer either (nothing ever happens!) but that's a me problem. Still voting for the walking corpse over the Anti-Christ.....

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Honey do you know that walking corpse is a pedophile, the biggest child trafficker in history? We have it all. I flip the videos of the children. If you don't want to vote for Trump that's OK but please then do not vote at all.Because all you're doing is making children's lives a living hell and usher in the CCP. Besides, what you see is a fake Biden because the real one was executed as well as his son 6 years ago. Check your JAG lists and Congress.gov.

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Please don't breed.

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Gosh! Who to pick? The Russians or the Chinese?

I must meditate.....

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"We finally beat Medicare" will no doubt reign as the all-time greatest gaffe in Presidential debate history.

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You're exactly right: it's over now. The situation will only get worse with time and the election is still over 4 months away. Even though another Democrat might also lose, at least they'd have a chance to, you know, rally some people. Make a case. Campaign effectively. Of course, Trump himself could have a serious medical incident and that's really Biden's only chance at this point.

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I don’t doubt that you will manage to arrange this.you might want to check out putins website for advanced poisoning strategies and techniques

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We can only hope that ADD medication Trump takes catches up to him.....

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Joe Biden's not going anywhere. Know why? - among other things, there's not one single viable candidate out there to replace him. Nobody has either the name recognition or the money. It's too late, my doom-saying friends, and the only thing we can all do is stop with the hand-wringing and get behind our president.

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I believe that there are candidates far more viable than a man whom no serious person could argue is capable of serving another four years.

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I'm quite serious - Joe Biden has my vote.

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To the barricades!

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Pride goeth before a fall.....

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If I were the Hindenburg's PR guy, I'd say, "The Hindenburg exploding was a one-off."

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Are we really going to let one cherry-picked anecdote color our whole opinion of the overall very safe record of zeppelin flight?

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I watched the debate, I walked away thinking that it was a total wash, nothing new for anyone, Trump lied a ton, Biden appeared to be not lively at all. I thought that it was a non event.

I was shocked when everyone thought Biden was so much worse than expected. He was exactly what I expected. I am honestly surprised that this would change anyone's mind on voting for Biden (and actually, I haven't seen a single person whose mind has been changed).

I don't think there was anything Trump could have done to lose a voter during the debate, and I don't think Biden will lose any Biden voters either.

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Yup. He's still better than Trump.....

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To be clear, I personally prefer almost any republican to Biden (including Trump). So it's not me making excuses for Biden!

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"Senile grandpa Joe Biden" shuts down the fear response. It is actually bad cognitive politics for Trump. No one is afraid of senile grandpa, at the moment everyone is *afraid for* senile grandpa.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

To add to your examples of gaffes and those who say them: Rick Perry and the 3 departments he would eliminate, and only being able to name two. "Oops." If Jeb or Rubio did that, well anyone could have that kind of lapse. And if someone is clearly very intelligent and informed, you can easily overlook it. But that's not Rick Perry.

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I am in Virginia which appears to be in swing state territory, one more sign that the Biden train is crashing.

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Speaking of spin, at the end of the Pod Save America episode where they debated what should be done now (a pretty hilarious episode before a live audience), everybody was challenged to be the PR spokesman for a bad situation and the first question concerned the Big Dig and how you would justify 20 years of traffic to some poor schmuck who suffered that. And the answer was out of this world brilliant.

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Long time mooch, decided to finally shitcan my WaPo sub and spend half of it on this.

I don’t want to establish myself as the weird nerd off the bat, but I guess it’s going to come out eventually anyway.

I’m with you in that the single animating goal ought to be just keeping Knock-Off Mussolini as far from the steering wheel as possible. And Biden’s looking increasingly unlikely to be the best path to that. But here’s the thing.

If we assume the better alternative isn’t Harris (and FWIW I’m riding with Biden’s desiccated corpse first), there are a few issues that aren’t getting enough airtime:

1) FEC transferability. As I understand it, that money is non-transferable outside the ticket. Any transfer would just be seen as a standard capped donation. The Biden campaign COULD buy ads like a PAC, but that seems to be the extent of it from what I’m reading. Of course, a new candidate only having to raise for campaign infra and GOTV (since 200M is a pretty big gorilla for ad buys) is easier, but it’s not ideal.

2) Filing deadlines. This candidate might legitimately not be on some state ballots - and you’d need the state legislature to override. In most cases that’s states where an SEC team is responsible for 30% of statewide economic activity, so if they won’t, you know, at least pretend they live in a democracy? Not a big deal - Jefferson Davis’s ghost could run there and he’d still lose with a D next to his name. But GA’s legislature is R-dominated and PA is split. That’s way more concerning.

3) The KHive. Hate them, love them, whatever. Do we really think they’re going to go quietly? I’m not so sure. And while I’m definitely not under the impression that gibbering band of psychos represent the black base of the party as a whole? At the margins we’re talking in key battleground states? It could be enough votes to be relevant.

To be clear, I’m not on the Keep Biden train. I’d call myself strongly unaligned, because I have no emotional attachment here. I just don’t want King Mushroomdick I. That’s it. There are alternatives I can get excited for. But these seem like material obstacles to an alternative winning and the relative silence in the pundit ecosystem about these details while calling for a change has me worried. Not five Xanax, a bottle of Lagavulin and a loaded gun worried, but hardly comfortable.

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100% agree with everything you said on this episode. I started feeling horrified within maybe two minutes of the debate starting and that feeling only grew as things progressed. It was a disqualifying performance and I'm so disappointed in how many people are spinning for him and that his family is urging him to stay in. A contested convention would be risky and I worry the kinds of people who go to the Democratic convention are not super in touch with what the average voter, but at this point the risk of staying the course seems even greater. If he stays in, what are the odds he has a even worse public malfunction around October or so?

If he and his team did believe it as just a bad night, they should be able to demonstrate that it was just a fluke by sending him out to do as many unscripted events as a normal presidential candidate would do. But the fact that they've been protecting him so much tells me they know it wasn't.

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OK Joe, forget the Gatorade. Time for some Monster energy drink.....

or meth.

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I cannot stand this creepy whispering.

Biden Body Doubles

Dana Carvey, David Spade, John of God, and Mask star Jim Carrey. So far.

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I know, right? And the moon (aka local Pleiadian observatory/Dyson sphere) vibrations are really getting hard to ignore. I feel like I'm on fire all the time! This has to come to a head soon or things will start to dissolve beyond all recognition. Please, Indigo Children, take us home!

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