Jul 9Liked by Jeff Maurer

Thanks, Jeff, for another great article. I think what is happening is that the cynics of the country are being separated out of party politics for good, just like we were separated out of the popular cliques in high school. We have wanted so hard to be accepted by either group, but unable to completely part with our skeptical nature in the name of fealty to the tribe. My math says we are about 31% of the country (1 - the 36% who thInk Trump won the 2020 election - the 33% who think Biden won the debate). I think that is enough for a third party with someone like Mark Cuban as a candidate. If we can get all of us band geeks, drama club nerds, metal heads, and honor students to unite and form a tribe we could maybe start getting something done in government rather than all this bullshit. I’m tired of being forced to bounce back and forth between these two broken parties that only want me around for my vote and expect me to shut up and go along or we’re not friends anymore.

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This former honor student and drama nerd says, I’m in! Sign me up!

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9

Orange Man bad. Both man orange. Now what do?

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Jul 9Liked by Jeff Maurer

Gee thanks Jeff. I can never unsee that

"picture" you "created."

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It’s no E.T. with boobs but it’s nightmarish in its own way.

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Oh no! Now I'm remembering the E.T. picture! Aaahhh!

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Jul 9Liked by Jeff Maurer

This article magically lifted the razor from my wrist. Even if the worst happens, we can still find humor in it! We can print this out and bury it in the backyard and when we're feeling blue about losing democracy dig it up and remember the good times.

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Sorry, but the Democratic party lost their sanity in 2017 with the Russiagate mass psychosis.

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He said WHAT!!??

Has anyone talked to his wife, the fake doctor?

What if he confuses the nuclear button with the diet coke button?

Oh wait, that was the other guy.....

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>the fake doctor

The pettiness of insisting on her full title is embarrassing, but she is a *real* doctor, just not a physician. People seem critical of her degree but I don't think they should be. Her thesis on retaining community college students does address a real problem and I'm glad that there's a public figure that advocates for community colleges. Community colleges seemed like a major policy focus a decade ago and it's unfortunate that we've replaced that education conversation with one about whether textbooks are too woke/not woke enough.

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Thanks for your reply Robert!

I admit, a weak joke, my issue is not with her but this setup where, yes, doctorate is shortened to doctor because confusing. She should be addressed as Doctorate Jill Biden. I admire her accomplishments. She's certainly a lot smarter than I am (and probably a better joke teller). I'm still voting for Joe.....

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I don't know if you're continuing a joke but "doctor" is not really short for "doctorate". She's a doctor of education and her degree is a doctorate in education. A (licensed) physician is a doctor of medicine and their degree is a doctorate in medicine. In neither case would it make sense to use "doctorate" to refer to the person that has the degree. (Ironically, the etymology for doctor is from the Latin term for educator)

So it's completely accurate (not particularly confusing) to call her Dr. Jill Biden. However, it's gauche and pretentious for anyone to insist that people do so. At least, that's my personal view and the view expressed in a critical WSJ editorial years ago. Newspapers and other institutions should have style guides to decide how people are addressed, so individuals don't have to use personal judgement on how to refer to people like Dr. Henry Kissinger, Dr. Biden or Dr. Ben Carson. These guidelines should also include how to refer to non-American education systems, so there's consistency in how they refer to people like Assad. Anyways, the controversy about this etiquette does not reflect well on the Bidens or the people offended on their behalf and I hope they don't bring it up again.

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Thanks for explaining that! I was totally confused about this.

My sincere apologies.....

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Ugghh. This is prompting morbid flashbacks to when I dutifully pulled the lever for Hillary bereft of any passion or enthusiasm and woke up the following morning completely unsurprised by the election results. Fuck you, you old selfish deluded bastard.

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Yep, feels like 2016

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“ Right now, Democratic lawmakers are dividing into pro-Biden and anti-Biden camps; if enough join the anti-Biden group, they should be able to force him off the ticket.”

Can they, though? I genuinely don’t know. But It seems to me that every Democratic senator and governor alive could tell Biden to drop out and it wouldn’t matter. He’s made up his mind (such as it is) —and we are all the worse for it.

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It’s an open question! But my sense is that if an overwhelming majority say “time to go”, he’ll finally read the handwriting on the wall. Like Nixon.

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Jul 9Liked by Jeff Maurer

I feel you are possibly overestimating the amount of reading he does in a day. I would guess the things he reads off of scripts or teleprompters represent the upper range of his words per day count. Plus you would have to walk him around to some walls, and an aide would have to direct him to focus on the wall, all of which has proven to take some doing recently. Trying to persuade Biden to drop out is trying to persuade the wrong person.

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Yeah, I fear that you’re right. Matt Yglesias feels pretty strongly that Democrats can’t really push him out.

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The Parkinson's expert who's visited him so many times needs to find a way to leak his diagnosis. If it's Parkinson's it could mean cognitive deterioration and even psychosis. These symptoms haven't stopped the Trump cult, and but I like to think we're better than that.

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A technique I learned from debate in HS and College (yes, I am one of those), is to grant as much of the opponents argument as you can and see what's left standing.

Even if I grant the idea that the Parkinson's expert at the WH has absolutely zero to do with Biden, it doesn't make anything Biden has done any better. Honestly I think the Parkinson's doctor was leaked by the Biden admin so they could stir up the appearance of conspiracy and then denounce it. It's bait for Trump to do some all caps SHOUTING on Truth social that would be dismissed by the base as lies. Just ignore the whole Parkinson's thing.

Because if it is true and Biden doesn't have Parkinson's, it doesn't excuse or explain his other abundant behavior that demonstrates sign of mental....... Slippage? Degradation? Softening? Turning to of Pudding?

Whatever you like.

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Maybe...but Parkinson's has a clear (bad) prognosis that would explain his performance and affect the perception of his fitness for office, although of course there will be those who cry ableism.

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On a side note, if your user name has anything to do with the Harry Harrison novel, I'd be pleased as punch. And if it isn't, read the book. It's a forgotten gem.

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It’s bad in here.

"If you can be convinced that you cannot defeat Donald Trump, will you stand down?" Stephanopoulos asked.

It depends on -- on if the Lord Almighty comes down and tells me that, I might do that," Biden said.

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>Do I have to pretend that “it’s okay as long as I try my best” is a remotely acceptable answer to Stephanopoulos’ question?


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America is the prom queen these days.

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Democrats haven’t known what a woman is for some time now, why should they know what a black woman is?

So if Biden now identifies as a black woman, we must affirm it.

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The adversarial attitude & name calling from Biden and his die hard supporters — if Biden stays, he can’t win without: dems who doubted him, young voters, and the rest of the pro-democracy coalition who might be on the fence. And “shut up if you don’t agree” isn’t going to bring them in. (Ask President Hillary Clinton who pissed off Bernie & his people)

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lol the sexy feather duster line? you’re a wild one for that reference.

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I love your stuff. But your Biden bashing gets on my nerves. It's just not cool. And it could aid the return of a criminal who literally tried to overthrow the government, with a court that said he could get away with it. I'm sorry but I just can't laugh at this point in history.

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I love your stuff. But your Biden bashing gets on my nerves. It's just not cool. And it could aid the return of a criminal who literally tried to overthrow the government, with a court that said he could get away with it. I'm sorry but I just can't laugh at this point in history.

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I think you could write a pretty good piece on how the people who will decide the election-the undecided low information voter-will see this whole controversy when they start thinking about it a week before the election

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