“If we had abandoned FDR after he vigorously fingerbanged Eleanor during a showing of Steamboat Willie, we might have lost World War II.”

Get your facts straight, Maurer. It wasn’t Mrs. Roosevelt on the receiving end of the Presidential digits, it was (wait for it) Missy LeHand.

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^^ Very helpful fact check!

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Trump Jr can say that the Republican party is the MAGA party all he wants, but the reality is that most MAGA candidates outside of Donald Trump don't have an electoral shot in hell. At some point, this thing has to fizzle out on it, doesn't it? I understand that there is a dedicated base there, but is it getting larger?

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If only the skills and temperament needed to win in the attention economy translated to some kind of expertise in the economy economy.

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I think this is a great article but I’ll be real, I subscribed based in large part on how much I laughed at “telling a ghost story to a dog.”

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Nailed it. Also, add in the increase in gerrymandering that forced pols to worry about primaries more than general elections.

Re: Britt, the longer I live, the more I view politicians as bad actors. Not in the "engages in bad behavior" way – in the thespian way. They're just crappy performers who we must watch constantly audition for the role of "Politician #2."

Wrote about all that here: https://mattruby.substack.com/p/we-are-all-vegans-at-a-bbq-joint

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I know the last thing American needs is more knee-jerk reactions on Twitter. But I'm going to take the fat cheeseburger in my mental hygiene diet and cheer the repetition of McCain's three words in all caps. Let's not do that again, but after watching Republicans break their spine for fear of offending the populist, it was remarkably cathartic.

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I don't disagree with anything in here, but something that I think may be worth stressing is how much of this is driven by primaries. The primary system has crippled political parties as institutions; rather than strategically field candidates with broad appeal in order to maximize the groups overall power, they are stuck with candidates that appeal to the type of person who votes in partisan primaries. And, unfortunately, primary voters tend to be... special people.

This isn't the only reason why candidate quality is low, and low candidate-quality overall doesn't necessarily explain why they picked a chick whose vocal cadence sounds like she is doing a gentle-dommy-mommy ASMR. But, I think it's something that is really important for understanding why we are getting more and more nutters.

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The real question isn't did Trump lose 2020. The question is did he lose honestly?

Who won the 1948 Democratic Primary in Texas?

Who won the 1960 Presidential Election?

Who won the 2000 Presidential Election?

Who won the 2017 World Series?

Who started the Reichstag Fire?

More people voted for Biden than voted for Obama in 2008? Really?

You are correct about the R's choosing weirdo's. The D's do the same but not as much or as weird and they also have the media covering for their weirdo's which the R's don't.

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