The hell is not Trump. The hell is everyone else who is hysterical about Trump. I am so tired of this shit, man. I am so tired of hysterical shrieking overreacting overly sensitive people on the Left. GET A GRIP. Trump is not the person we need escaping from. It is the oppressive censorious puritanical madness of the new left. I can't stand any of them anymore and I used to be a devoted loyal blue-check democrat. But now I can see clearly who and what the left has become: an insulated, isolated protected class. They have destroyed comedy, destroyed journalism, destroyed science, destroyed art and destroyed access to the truth. Trump is just a guy who says dumb things. That's all he is. Turning him into a super villain HAS DESTROYED the left. There is no coming back from that.

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I would very much like Trump out of sight and out of mind sooner rather than later so that my liberal friends can finally snap out of the derangement that has consumed them for the past 6+ years.

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Ganon reincarnates when slain. He, Link, and Zelda are cursed to struggle evermore, in countless forms across all possible timelines. What, if anything, this means for the Trump-as-Ganon metaphor is left as an exercise for the reader.

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I'm sorry Trump made you unfunny

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Man have you seen some of the cutscenes where Link dispatches Ganon? Kid rams a sword through the guy's skull on multiple occasions, Ganon's made of some pretty stern stuff.

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The left is turning into Abab and "Hast Thou Seen The Orange Whale?"

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I foresee the charges being solid, the Trumps dragging everything into 2024, Republicans getting sick of him and picking Ron de Santis, and then the Trump kids declaring him incompetent to stand trial, like Vincent Gigante.

Two things I am sure of, in this world: (1) Trump is guilty AF and (2) he will never spend a day in jail.

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I actually think the outcome of any criminal investigation is basically meaningless. People who have joined the Trump cult have long since given up on reality... If he's charged, it will be the Deep State. If he's not charged, the Deep State will have failed but remains a threat. His supporters have had plenty of reasons to walk away, and haven't.

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Far more Americans are concerned about the price of food, gas, and when (or if) they’ll get laid again than they are about the left, right, Trump, DeSantis, or Biden.

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I will gladly eat every word I wrote here if I can just get funny Stephen back:


Although I did enjoy seeing Fallon go from first to worst in the audience numbers….

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I am pretty much convinced that we are now in a "lose-lose" situation, especially with respect to the execution of the search warrant at Mar-A-Lago. Either they found something really incriminating, in which case he will whine that it was planted and/or he's being wrongfully persecuted, and he will use it to raise tons of cash, rile up his followers even more and pretty much secure the Republican presidential nomination for 2024. Or, they found nothing (or only minor violations of law), in which case he will whine that he's being wrongfully persecuted, and he will use it to raise tons of cash, rile up his followers even more and pretty much secure the Republican presidential nomination for 2024. As indicated above, he "wins" either way (and sane people in this country lose either way). And, as Matt Osborne wrote, he will never spend a day in jail.

Even more ominously, we are already seeing calls for violence by his supporters. I'd be shocked if something doesn't happen.

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Trump is Obi-Wan, strike him down and he becomes even more powerful.

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Thanks Sasha.

Why is this political garbage front and center in a once lovely and interesting book

site? The only part of it that makes sense is the title I Might Be Wrong.

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“if Trump is using the nuclear codes as a napkin in Mar-a-Lago’s public dining room”

I mean the napkin part wasn’t quite right but otherwise pretty spot on!

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