Oct 29, 2021Liked by Jeff Maurer

Whether this bill is good, bad, or something in-between....who knows. But Biden and the Dems should go all out to get something done, especially considering David Shor's predictions for '22 and '24.

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Remember when so called serious people were comparing Biden to FDR and LBJ? And he played into it? Can you imaging FDR's plans being held up by Krysten fucking Sinema? The idea is just laughable.

It's not lazy or cynical to takedown his performance when you set the stage like that. He is getting off incredibly easy.

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Don’t worry I am sure there will be absolutely no unintended consequences from anything in this bill.

And hey universal pre k. Cool. I always thought we should teach kids things that won’t matter by. What about 2nd grade?

This country needs an education overhaul not a doubling down on an absolute failure of a public education system propped up by insane teachers unions.

You can start teaching kids in utero with giant comical headphones over the menstruating-person’s belly and it won’t do a single thing to improve the intelligence of kids in this country.

Also. This is government. Do people really think that all this stuff actually costs 3 trillion ? This is the federal government. Filled with people who literally have no idea both what money is and how much money is worth.

The kind of people who walk into a car dealership and say “sticker price? My friend sticker price is for the merely well-off! I insist on paying double that!”

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I have my doubts about Kyrstyn Synyma as an Andy Kaufman prank, at least until she says she's going to wrestle a baby. Passive-aggressive was never his thing. If you suspect Kaufman is still at it, I'd keep an eye on Trump Jr.

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I've read every IMBW essay so far, with pleasure approaching awe. But in my opinion, this is the wisest, sharpest one yet. I'm thinking smart drug.

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Did anyone else hear Jefferson and Madison singing "You don't have the votes" to Hamilton while reading?

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