My reading comprehension is generally on the plus side of adequate but I'm struggling here. When I read "tax cuts are as heretical to GOP doctrine as Lobsterfest is to Orthodox Judaism", I said , huh? The GOP thinks tax cuts are bad? Maybe I don't understand heresy, or Orthodox Jews. I think a understand Lobsterfest.

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 9, 2023

How confident are you that Republicans in congress know this is bullshit and are acting for their base, vs. genuinely believing their own line? The part about them deliberately using McCain to sabotage the Obamacare repeal is a take I haven't heard before, and one I'm instinctively sceptical of.

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Thanks Jeff... Maybe at some point you can expand a little on "Of course, the kernel of truth here is that debt does matter; leftists who have convinced themselves that it doesn’t are in a cult every bit as deranged and disappointingly sexless as the Republican one" - because there does never seem to be any question that aircraft carrier 'debt' is not a major problem, right?

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Jeff, this line has a typo - (yes, readers read this closely)

"Republicans frequently object to suggestions that they want to cut Social Security or Medicare, and obviously, tax cuts are as heretical to GOP doctrine as Lobsterfest is to Orthodox Judaism." I believe you meant "tax hikes, not cuts"


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"Our goal should be to keep the debt manageable". Fine. And we'll know it's become unmanageable how? Fun graph: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/NA000308Q

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Love your stuff. But note: you reap what you sow, as in wild oats. Not sew, as in hair shirt..

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The Desmond comparison is network worthy. Actually I take it back, the networks are not worthy of something that brilliant

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